
24岁的科尔宾·布伦菲尔德在他的三星篮球桌. 24岁的科尔宾·布伦菲尔德在他的三星篮球桌.A fund recently established by two alumni is underwriting the entrepreneurial endeavors of 威尼斯正版官方网站 students.

The Jameson ’02 和 Jennifer Engerer ’02 Troutman Susquehanna Entrepreneurship Fund provides seed money for all students taking the capstone course in the 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院’ 创业 major. 另外, 所有其他学生,无论专业,都可以申请最多2美元,000 annually from this fund for their business 和 can apply multiple times if they show growth 和 development of the business.

The Troutmans were motivated to establish the fund due to their family’s own strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jameson’s father 和 his mother’s extended family both started their own businesses 和 Jennifer also runs her own digital 市场营销 business.

“不管你是否想开始经营自己的生意, 企业家的价值观和经验可以使每个人受益,特劳特曼夫妇说. “小企业对我们的国民经济和世界各国都非常重要. We were excited that we could support an innovative program like this at our alma mater to foster curiosity 和 help power the small-business spirit among the next generation of innovators.”

特罗德曼夫妇的资金促成了第一个学生创业市场, which featured 20 students — both from within the 创业 capstone course 和 beyond — selling their own products, 从专业服务到健身和健康产品等等. 每位参与者都获得了100美元.

“We were able to 牧师olutionize the Entrepreneurial Experience capstone course because of the funding made possible by the Troutmans,” 劳伦·史密斯,讲师 管理市场营销. “在这门课上,学生们的任务是开展一项‘副业’.今年, we could provide initial funding 和 opportunities for further funding rounds for each of the business ventures in the class. 资金保证带来的兴奋和精神是无与伦比的.”

创业经验顶点课程是必需的 创业 & 企业创新 主修和辅修课程,满足先决条件的学生可以选修.


一名身穿粉色运动上衣的女子站在一张摆满烘焙食品的桌子后面. 瑞安·罗尔斯25岁24岁的林赛·格里芬(Lindsay Griffin)就是其中一名获得资助的学生 广告 & 公共关系,创业 & 来自宾夕法尼亚州Frackville的企业创新和管理.

通过她的商业冒险, 回收的跑道, Griffin creates fun 和 unique fashion for Gen Z women by upcycling thrifted 和 secondh和 clothes for purchase by embellishing items with unique iron-on designs. 她还提供工具包,让顾客可以升级和DIY他们已经拥有的衣服或配饰.

“我家有很多企业家, 所以我从小就懂得为自己工作,格里芬说。.


“我喜欢买有趣的时装和印花牛仔裤之类的衣服, but all the stores I found that sold what I was looking for were unethical fast fashion retailers like Shein,格里芬说。. “这就是鼓励我把我的兴趣结合在一起创造这个项目的原因.”

Griffin used her funding to help purchase supplies 和 the materials she used on her table at the 学生 Startup Market.

“It would have definitely been hard for me to put out the money on my own to purchase all my start-up supplies 和 materials,格里芬说。. “Without the funding, I would have been a lot less likely to start my business in the first place.”

毕业后, 吉芬计划从事数字营销或社交媒体方面的职业, 最好在费城地区. 她还计划继续发展她的“再生跑道”副业.

Ryan Rorls今年25岁,主修商业管理,辅修弗雷德里克大学的数据分析专业, 马里兰, 谁的商业冒险, 糖 & Ry,专门从事手工制作,优雅,高品质的烘焙食品. 她于2020年创立了这家公司.

罗尔斯收到的资金帮助她购买了烘焙食品的优质原料, 包括纯香草豆沙, 爱尔兰奶油, 亚瑟王面粉和有机柠檬, 以及有吸引力的包装,以保持他们的新鲜和吸引力, 她说. 这笔资金还让她在学生创业市场“整理”了自己的桌子.

Rorls plans to continue nurturing 和 exp和ing her baking business while pursuing her postgraduate career in project 管理, with the idea of leveraging the valuable experiences 和 skills she gains from her career to enhance 和 streamline operations within her business.

“我的目标是在我的事业和我的生意之间建立一种协同关系, allowing each to complement 和 enrich the other as I embark on this journey of 创业 和 professional development,罗尔斯说. “Participating in the 学生 Startup Market allowed me to showcase my h和crafted treats 和 connect with fellow entrepreneurs who share my dedication. Telling the story behind each of my creations reinforced my belief that baking is about creating connections 和 spreading happiness one bite at a time.”